
Wednesday, April 30, 2008


NEW JOB NEW JOB NEW JOB! What's that? OH YES... I have a NEW JOB! Well, I accepted one and turned in 2 weeks notice today. So, sit down, crack open a nice cold beer, appropriately tempatured(I made that word up) glass of wine, or favorite mixed drink (or just a coke if you prefer) and celebrate my liberation with me! I'm gettin' OUTTA HERE!

"The new job? what is it?" you ask? Ah yes... I will be the Assistant Director for the American Heart Association under the Regional Directors for Jackson, TN & Desoto Co./Oxford, MS. P-U-M-P-E-D PUMPED... yup, that's what I am! I hope I just brightened your day (if nothing else, you know you don't have to listen to any more rants about the current job)!