
Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I love Thanksgiving. and I LOOOOOVE Christmas. So I've been ready for "this time of year", since, well since they took Christmas music off the radio last year!

This year, I'm really having to focus on the "thankful" part though. It's been a rough past month or so. First (at least I think it was first), my step-grandfather passed away. It was tough... he had fallen and broken his hip about a week before he passed away, and then never really pulled through. It was tough on me, but really hard on my little sister. It was a challenge to be the best big sister I could be to reassure her that she would make it through this (she has never lost anyone close to her before).

Then, Clay's mom fell and broke her ankle. In the course of 2 weeks, she fell, she had surgery, came to stay with us for a week, and then had to move apartments (from an upstairs 3 bedroom, to a downstairs 2 bedroom).

Then, Clay's grandmother (his mom's mom) fell and broke HER ankle! Apparently it's contagious that side of the family! Clay said if I break anything, he's giving up, hah! So, needless to say, I've been tip toeing all the time.

So now, Thanksgiving will be cooked at my house, and then driven 2 hours so that our broken ones can have Thanksgiving... I'm a planner and not good with change, so we'll see how it goes.

There have also been a load of other things going on that I won't even go into, but it's added up to a stressful fall! Not to mention the craziness of my beloved Titans!

I have so much to be thankful for though, even when I get a little down. Just have to remind myself of that and have "positive expectations"!

So that's what I'm focusing on for now, trying to really stay positive, though it's so hard to slip into a negative frame of mind. But, it's worth it...I know that I'll be happier and can hopefully make those around me happier too!

Happy Thanksgiving to to continue the cooking! Gobble til' you wobble!