
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome to our world Hannah!

Well, I'm a couple weeks behind, but who can blame me right? I'm typing this with one hand, on my phone, while a sleeping baby girl is lying on my stomach! Hannah was born on September 1 at 11am on the dot! She was 7lbs, 15oz and 20 3/4 inches long. Most importantly, she is perfectly healthy and perfect in her mommy and daddy's eyes!

Our lives have obviously changed dramatically since 9/1. We are slowly but surely starting to find our new normal. So far, I feel pretty lucky as she tends to sleep in 3 or so hour stretches through the night. Of course, I'm still beyond exhausted, but that comes with the territory.

We've had a few setbacks, but we're working through them. Breastfeeding has NOT gone well or as planned. (Sorry if this is TMI...) I've met with the lactation nurse at Hannah's pediatrician's office and left that day very encouraged, but we still have alot of problems and serious pain. Not just uncomfortable, but cry my eyes out, I can't stand it pain. Right now, we are trying to nurse, but I pump as often as I can and we are supplementing with formula. Not what I had planned, but she is being fed and that's what counts!

We had her newborn picture session yesterday and from the two sneak peek pictures we've received, we're very pleased! She's a cute little girl (though I guess I'm a bit biased!)

I'm looking forward to figuring out our new schedule, as most know I love me a schedule. I know it will be constantly changing.

Hopefully, being home with her now, I'll be able to carve our time to keep this updated on our ever changing lives!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

32 Weeks (well, almost)

Well, I'm only 18 weeks behind in posting, right? Not THAT bad... HAH!

Tomorrow marks 32 weeks! It's hard to believe she's almost here! (Yeah, in that 18 weeks, lima bean got a gender and a name!) It's REALLY hard to believe that in 5 weeks, if Hannah decided that it was time to make her appearance, the doctors would let her!

We've got things rolling, in getting ready for her. Her nursery is painted, and all the furniture is here and assembled!

Here's Hannah's crib and changing table
Here's the window, glider and part of the bookcase    
Here's the glider and bookcase... not very organized or cute yet! You can also see part of the decal that's going on her wall. It's just the one little bird right now, but there is a whole tree/family of birds. Maybe that'll happen this weekend.
And here's her sweet little blanket that goes with her bedding! I love the little birds and owls. We've actually got all of the bedding now, but I haven't taken pictures yet. 

The next big project is cleaning out the closet in her room. It's full of years of "stuff". Since her room was our second guest bedroom/office, the closet in there really collected a lot. I've made some progress, but there are still some serious boxes to be gone through!

Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, we'll have most everything together in her room! I still need to:
1) Clean the closet
2) Put up the decal on the wall
3) Put up the ADORABLE letters that  my little sister painted for her! (They are curly-Q kind of letters, and my sister, Cindy, managed to put all of the patterns and birds that are on her bedding, onto the skinny little curly letters... she is ridiculously talented)
4) Find a mirror or fun photo collage frame to put over her changing table.
5) and, you know, all the other stuff that needs to be done.

Maybe I'll have some more, complete pictures soon!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is today the day?

Today marks 14 weeks for the relationship between me and little lima bean (though, I think we should upgrade his/her status to little lime, as that's more size appropriate at this point!). I'm knocking on wood, crossing my fingers, and anything else I can think of. I've actually felt "okay" today. I've even skipped a dose of the phenergan. This is a massively huge step for me! I'm hoping today is the magic day where I become semi-quasi-pregnant normal!

Everyone says that by week 14, they are feeling better. So, I'm optimistic. I'm so ready to not base my entire world around being or not being sick. I'm ready to clean the house and cook dinner and fold laundry and start planning for the baby!

I can't believe that we'll find out if the baby is a boy or a girl in just 6 weeks. And, that in 6 weeks, we'll be half way there! That's ridiculous! As long as some of these days have been, feeling so awful, it's still flying by.

So, in light of this hopefully lingering new development of feeling somewhat better... I'm going to get the rest of my winter decorations down (and possibly a lingering small Christmas tree in the guest bedroom). Don't judge me... snowmen are completely acceptable in my world until March (and we're only a few days in!)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Well, it's now social media official (via facebook, twitter and all those crazy things)... Baby Crockett has an estimated arrival date of September 4, 2011!

Now, maybe I can be a good blogging momma and keep this thing up to date with how the pregnancy is progressing and then (yay!) how baby is doing! I've got some good blogging mommy role models on there, that's for sure!

Baby is doing well... we heard the heartbeat today and it was perfect! I'm 11 weeks, 3 days and it's been a ROUGH past 7 weeks. I've had some serious all-day (forget morning) sickness, am on a couple of medicines for it, and have almost made a dash for the hospital (but was thankfully able to avoid that). Hopefully I should turn the magically 2nd Trimester corner very soon!

It's late though, at least for my exhausted, preggo self... so I'm done for now. but there shall be a redesign and frequent updates soon (hopefully... I'm so wishy-washy!)